Monday, September 14, 2009

Naval Flotilla on the Rideau

I got rather excited to see Navy uniforms on Saturday cruising up the Canal. Mind you its not as fast as the Bras d'Or (hydrofoil)* or big as the Magnificent or Bonaventure (aircraft carriers), all now noticeably absent from our navy fleet.

My dad was in the Navy forever, and being a navy brat, moved every year or two. I attended 9 schools before I graduated from high school. Maybe that's why I haven't moved from my Dalhousie neighborhood in the last 30 years.

*I recall this story, I don't know if it is true. Trudeau was PM. To make a dashing impression, he had the Bras d'Or taken down to Baltimore and then rode it, fastest warship in the world, skimming 2m above the waves, up the Potomac to the tidal basin, to see the US President on his (much larger) ship. If you can't swing a bigger d...k, go for style.

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