Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You missed the latest post ...

If you get this message, you are still subscribed to or are reading WestSideAction at the OLD blog site.

There is a new post at the new site, and it will not appear at this site! You are missing my post on why we need a downtown transit tunnel, no shades of Gray!

Here's what to do:
Go to and on the right side column, the RSS buttons. Click to start your free subscription for the posts only, or the posts and readers comments. If you subscribe, all new posts are sent to you automatically.

Once you subscribe to the new .wordpress location of WestSideAction, go back to the old site at and select the RSS button there to unsubscribe. Then you wont get any more of these messages telling you the site has moved.

Two steps: sign up at the new site, unsignup at the old site.

The new site will have all the new posts, and all the old ones live there too.

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