There is a delightful abundant flower garden on the north side of Somerset at Empress street, right in front of the Dalhousie Community Centre. It is a great spot for a garden, in full sun, and raised up several feet above the sidewalk. It was planted by community members and is maintained by DCA volunteers. In the centre of the garden is a yucca plant. The cactus-like plant is blooming now with a magnificent spire of blooms. It blooms once a year.
The Somerset Heights BIA - now the Somerset Chinatown BIA - has donated funds for another garden a few doors west at Manphrong store, at the corner of Upper Lorne Place. Lillies were planted this spring, and red mulch recently appeared around the plants, which will help them root and may reduce the foot traffic that sometimes extends beyond the sidewalk limits. The garden space was cleared and planted by the DCA and the Chinese youth group from the Christian Alliance Church on Empress.
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